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Wavelab Pro Retail DAC

Mastering is one of the most important parts of the music production process. It is a unique art and, for 25 years, WaveLab has been the number one choice for mastering professionals. WaveLab is a complete mastering solution, with every tool that you will ever need to cover your workflow from start to finish. With the support of a global network of mastering engineers who all use it, WaveLab is the key to making every aspect of your masters truly professional. WaveLab is much more than the master of mastering. Its modular approach allows you to use different parts of its comprehensive feature set in every area of professional audio production. Whether it’s sample-accurate editing, precise spectral changes, audio restoration, forensic analysis of sound files and many other uses, WaveLab has the tools to do the job incredibly accurately and intuitively. Afgreiðslutími 2 virkir dagar
Samtals m/vsk
74.990 kr.

Nuendo 11 Retail DAC

As the most advanced audio post-production solution available, Nuendo is the choice of film, TV, game audio and immersive sound industry professionals worldwide. Ever since its initial release, Nuendo has been a vital tool in creating the soundtrack to many high-profile productions, products and installations. Regular updates with new features, workflow improvements and additional, user-requested functions mean that Nuendo constantly exceeds the expectations of an audio workstation dedicated to audio post, with high end — often unique — capabilities that continue an ongoing revolution in audio and media production software. Afgreiðslutímí 2 virkir dagar.
Samtals m/vsk
149.990 kr.

Groove Agent 5 Retail DAC

A new standard of dynamic acoustic drums; new kits for electronic music; new MIDI grooves; live sampling; Decompose feature for your own signature drum sound; 32 velocity layers; updated and resizable user interface… plus much more! Afgreiðslutími 2 virkir dagar
Samtals m/vsk
26.990 kr.

Absolute 4 DAC

Get tons of creative instruments with over 100 GB of sound content for every kind of music production. Explore over 6,800 presets, next-generation synthesizers and one of the best drum plug-ins available. And when that is not enough, you can easily build your own sample instruments. Absolute brings together all the full versions of Steinberg’s current virtual instrument roster. It’s largely based around HALion 6 and much of the 100GB is taken up with instrument content for that. HALion 6 features a deep sampling and sound design system. You can build your own instruments with the Macro Page Designer. Alongside is HALion Sonic 3 which is the more synthy version focusing on deep-sampled instruments and synths. Then we have the brand new Groove Agent 5 plus Prime Cuts and Rock Essentials. Familiar titles such as The Grand 3, Padshop Pro 2 (expanded with Granular Guitars), Retrologue 2, Dark Planet, Hypnotic Dance and Triebwerk. And some less familiar ones such as SkyLab, Auron and HALiotron.   Afgreiðslutími 2 virkir dagar
Samtals m/vsk
74.990 kr.

Notion 6 nótnaskriftarforrit

Easily compose, playback, and edit music Best playback of any notation product, with orchestral samples recorded by the London Symphony Orchestra and more Perform scores using Notion™ as a live instrument and save your performance Process audio with PreSonus studio One Native Effects Limiter, Compressor, and Pro EQ plug-ins Create a score on a Mac or Windows computer and continue to edit on iPhone/iPad and vice versa, with Notion for iOS (available separately) Write parts by hand and watch them convert to digital notation Send audio and MIDI data directly to and from Studio One anywhere on the network Compose to picture with the video window (Import video in a variety of formats) Import/export files to/from Finale and Sibelius via MusicXML Native 64-bit support Audio and MIDI ReWire support (host and slave) See notation and MIDI data on the same staff
Samtals m/vsk
22.990 kr.

Notion 3,4,5 í 6 uppfærsl

Uppfærsla í Notion6 úr Notion 3, 4 og 5  
Samtals m/vsk
7.990 kr.

VST/AU/Rewire f. StudioOne

Bætir stuðningi við VST og AU "plugin" auk stuðnings við ReWire protocolið við StudioOne Artist. (Þessa stækkun þarf ekki að kaupa við Pro útgáfuna).
Samtals m/vsk
12.990 kr.

Rewire Support f. StudioOne

Bætir stuðningi við VST og AU "plugin" auk stuðnings við ReWire protocolið við StudioOne Artist. (Þessa stækkun þarf ekki að kaupa við Pro útgáfuna).
Samtals m/vsk
12.990 kr.
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