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Notað gítarar og bassar
Notaður Ibanez GB10SEBS George Benson
Hörð Taska fylgir
Samtals m/vsk
220.000 kr.
Notaður Yamaha SA2200 BS Guitar w/case
Árgerð 2014.
Mjög vel með farinn.
The Yamaha SA2200 combines a classic design with outstanding craftsmanship, premium materials and player-focused features to create a guitar that perfectly combines looks, sound and playability.
Samtals m/vsk
340.000 kr.
Stingray 5 Special 5 str. HH Vintage Tobacco Sunb
Music Man Stingray Special
5 strengja með tveim humbucker pickupum.
Vintage Tobacco Sunburst litur.
Samtals m/vsk
497.000 kr.
Fender Gold Foil Jazz Bass Sonic Blue NOTAÐUR
Inspired by the garage rock bands of the sixties and the cult classic guitars they played, the Gold Foil Collection combines timeless Fender® designs with the dazzling style of a bygone era.
The Gold Foil Jazz Bass® features an alder body, mid '60s C"-shaped maple neck with bound ebony fingerboard and a Gold Foil single-coil for full, punchy tone that complements the exceptional good looks. Other features include a matching painted headstock, ‘lollipop’ tuning machines and 20 Medium Jumbo frets.Long on looks and aces in the tone department, the Fender Gold Foil Collection combines the enduring charm of midcentury mail-order guitars with the style and playability of an authentic Fender.
Samtals m/vsk
185.990 kr.
Notað Music Man Sting Ray Old Smoothie
The Music Man 'Old Smoothie' Music Man StingRay 40th Anniversary is a 4-string bass guitar designed to celebrate the 40th anniversy of Ernie Ball Music Man. The design is based from the StingRay prototype #26, designed for Sterling Ball, who developed the tested the original prototypes in the 1970's. The bass itself features a 34-inch scale maple neck and fingerboard plus active electronic and a custom made 10 pole piece pickup design.
Samtals m/vsk
385.000 kr.