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DAC Cubase Pro 14 Comp CG
Uppfærsla í Cubase pro 14 úr öðrum forritum.
Competitive Crossgrade er sérstakt tilboð fyrir þá sem eru skráðir notendur af öðrum upptökuhugbúnaði. Þeim stendur forritið til boða á sérstökum afsláttarkjörum. Sjá nánar hér að neðan.
Cubase 14 unlocks new creative possibilities with groundbreaking features, streamlined workflows, and intuitive design to elevate your music production experience.
Cubase er selt í rafrænni sölu, sem þýðir að þú festir kaup á því hér á vefversluninni og færð næsta virka dag sendan kóða til að nálgast forritið og virkja það.
Nánari lýsing
Til að eiga rétt á að kaupa Cubase á þessum "Competetive Crossgrade" afslætti þarftu að vera skráður notandi af einhverju af neðantöldum hugbúnaði - og þarft að sýna fram á það þegar þú virkjar Cubase.
- Ableton Live 8 or higher (Standard and Suite / excl. Intro)
- Ability Pro
- Apple Logic 9 or higher
- Avid Pro Tools 9 or higher incl. subscriptions (Pro Tools, Pro Tools HD, Pro Tool Studio, Pro Tools Flex, Pro Tools Ultimate / excl. Artist & First)
- Bitwig Studio 1 or higher
- Cakewalk Sonar X2 or higher (Platinum and Professional / excl. Artist and Cakewalk by Bandlab)
- Cockos Reaper (Commercial license only / excl. discounted license)
- Imageline FL Studio 11 or higher (Signature and Producer / excl. Fruity)
- Magix Samplitude Pro X 1 or higher (excl. Music Studio)
- Magix Sequoia 9 or higher
- MOTU Digital Performer 7 or higher
- Presonus Studio One (Professional / excl. Prime and Artist)
- Propellerheads Reason 6 or higher
From Hollywood blockbuster composers and Billboard Hot 100 producers right through to keen beginners, the world of music production trusts in Cubase.
The reference standard for music production software
Produce tracks from start to finish
Suitable for all genres, levels and budgets

All-inclusive feature set
Cubase empowers musicians with a vast array of cutting-edge tools for composing, recording, editing, and mastering music effortlessly.
Unmatched versatility
From electronic beats to orchestral arrangements, Cubase is flexible enough to adapt to any genre, catering to the creative needs of artists of all styles.

Limitless sonic horizons
With an included wealth of high-quality VST instruments, plug-ins and sounds, Cubase lets you create masterpieces straight out of the box.
Mixing excellence made easy
Craft professional mixes using Cubase's MixConsole, which offers customizable channel strips and advanced routing options for straightforward, optimised control.
All versions share the same pristine sound quality and ease of use that make Cubase one of the world’s most popular music creation solutions.
Cubase Artist 14
For all creative musicians who want to turn their musical ideas into professional quality songs.
- VariAudio pitch correction
- Multi-track AudioWarp and Audio Quantize
- Advanced comping workflows
- Retrologue, Padshop, Verve, and Trip
- Pattern sequencer and Drum Track
Samanburður á hinum ýmsu útgáfum af Cubase hér: Compare the Versions of Cubase | Steinberg